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How Did Organizations Help Victims? How Did Some Organizations Not React Well?


     Non-profit organizations like FEMA, American Red Cross, and Habitat for Humanity played a big role in helping those who needed help. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Association, was the most-recognized organization during the disaster for their aid.


      As helpful as this aid was, one huge problem immediately following the hurricane was how long it took organizations and authorities to respond. According to Politico, “Hundreds of firefighters from other cities who volunteered to help in the response were rerouted to Atlanta, where they sat through two days on sexual harassment and the history of FEMA before being sent to New Orleans” (Robillard 1).


     FEMA, also was wrong in not providing food, and water to survivors. They must have been hungry for hours waiting on authorities to respond. An additional problem with FEMA was how the organization distributed money, and how they reacted with giving it those at the time who really were looking for help after the disaster. At the time, FEMA was worried about having the right documentation before handing out money to those in need. This started a lot of arguments and anger about the withheld funding. 


      The last day the FEMA trailers and mobile homes where out until was 2012. It is a fact that if FEMA handled reconstruction and funding differently, it would have helped the sufferers by a long shot.

These photos show people's emotions about how FEMA treated people.FEMA, struggled to get people basic necessities such as a food and water.

In this video Aaron Broussard, the President of Jefferson's Parrish gives facts on the mistakes of FEMA. He tears up about their failure to respond. It is a fact, that FEMA didn't do there job there.

The websites listed above are some of the major organizations that helped during Hurricane Katrina.


In this video a man is looting an Irish Channel Walmart. He is looting this Walmart, because he lost everything. He is trying to get stuff to survive.

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